Explanation of PIEV theory | Importance of PIEV theory | Perception Time | Intellection time | Emotion time | Volition time
PIEV Theory: - The reaction time of the driver is time taken from object is visible to the driver and the brakes are effectively applied. The value of the reaction time of the driver depends on various factors. The reaction time can be split up into two parts: 1. perception time 2. brake reaction time The perception time is the time driver to realize that the brakes are to be applied. It is the time from object comes on the line of sight of the driver to the he realizes that the vehicle needs to be stopped. The brake reaction time also depends on several factors including the skill of the driver, the type of the problems, and various other environmental factors. PIEV Theory Diagram PIEV theory full form is perception, intellection, emotion and volition. PIEV theory is a fundamental concept in transportation engineering that helps to understand how human factors can impact road safety. PIEV stands for: (1) Perception Time: Perception time is the time required for the sensat...