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Laterite Soil Uses | Laterite Soil Advantages and Disadvantages | Laterite Soil Characteristics.

Laterite Soil Uses: -

Laterite Soil Uses
1. Agriculture: Laterite soil is useful for agriculture as it is rich in iron, aluminium, magnesium and potassium. It is suitable for growing cash crops such as coffee, rubber, tea, sugarcane, and cashew nuts.

2. Building material: Laterite soil is used as a building material for construction. It can be cut easily into blocks and is suitable for building houses, temples and forts.

3. Road construction: Laterite soil is used as a base material for building roads. It is mixed with cement and other aggregates to form a strong and durable road.

4. Landscaping: Laterite soil is used for landscaping and gardening as it is rich in nutrients and has good water retention capacity.

5. Water treatment: Laterite soil is used in water treatment as it helps in removing impurities and pollutants from water.

6. Industrial uses: Laterite soil is used as a raw material in the manufacture of bricks, ceramics, and other construction materials.

7. Artistic use: Laterite soil has been used for artistic purposes as it can be sculpted easily and has a unique and attractive color when exposed to the air.

Laterite Soil Advantages and Disadvantages: -

Laterite Soil Advantages
Laterite Soil Advantages: -
1) Laterite Soil Is light and porous.
2) Laterite Soil Is easily tillable.
3) Laterite Soil red in color due to the presence of large amounts of iron oxide.
4) Laterite Soil has better water holding capacity.
5) Laterite Soil Used for construction purposes.
6) Laterite Soil is easily available.
7) Laterite Soil not suitable for agriculture purpose.
8) Laterite Soil is Mould easily in any shape.
9) Laterite Soil has more plasticity and liquidity index etc.

Laterite Soil Disadvantages -
1) Laterite Soil is formed by leaching, therefore consists of less minerals and organic materials.
2) Laterite Soil is acidic in nature.
3) Laterite Soil is very poor fertile.
4) Laterite Soil has high clay content and lower cation exchange capacity.
5) Laterite Soil not suitable for agriculture purpose.
6) Laterite Soil swell more when wet.
7) Laterite Soil shrink more when dry.
8) Laterite Soil is high permeable.
9) Laterite Soil contain high percentage of acidity.
10) Laterite Soil is coarse in texture and cannot retain moisture.
11) Laterite Soil has less consistency index etc.

Laterite Soil Characteristics: -

Laterite Soil Characteristics

1) Laterite soil extreme form of red tropical soil type.
2) Laterite soil is leached of alkalis and silica.
3) Laterite soil is accumulation of sesquioxide in top layer.
4) Laterite soil is crust formation near the surface, nodular concretions, induration.
5) Laterite soil is when dry it becomes hard and thus forms a useful building material.
6) Laterite soil reaction is acidic.
7) Laterite soil Poor base saturation.
8) Laterite soil is red or yellow in colour.
9) Laterite soil is formed by rapid leaching action caused by tropical heavy rainfall.
10) Lime, phosphorus and potash are found in small amounts in laterite soil.
11) Laterite soil is suitable enough for bacteria.
12) Laterite soil has very little capacity to hold moisture.
13) Crops like rice, sugarcane, tea, cashew, coffee, rubber etc. can be grown in laterite soil with the help of fertilizers.
14) Laterite soil is fertile from the point of view of being fertile.
15) Laterite soil becomes very soft when it wet but becomes hard when it is dry.
16) Laterite soil is highly permeable.
17) Laterite soil is highly plastic in nature and easy to mould in any shape.
18) Laterite soil has high density.
19) Laterite soil has low coefficient of thermal expansion.
20) Laterite soil has low porosity.

Read More -

Laterite Soil Introduction | Laterite Soil Formation | Laterite Soil Uses | Laterite Soil in India | Laterite Soil composition

Laterite Soil Found in India? | How Laterite Soil Formed?


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